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FTP was screwy yesterday for some reason but its back up now. This weel marks the end of this segment of the story. I think it makes pretty decent sense so far I guess. Anyway in the next chapter we get to see more behind the scenes of Jerry's new 'job!' Enjoy!!



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Well I guess you could call Jerry the main character. I mean his name is the title for crying out loud! Jerry in a nut shell is a guy who takes things very seriously for the most part and sometimes goes a bit overboard. Thats what cost him his job at the Goliath Mart and jump started his adventure. Of course he does have his lighter side and can joke around too.
Reggie is one of Jerry's friends at the Goliath Mart. Absolutely brilliant, one kind of wonders why he's wasting his intelligence in retail. He's pretty laid back and takes his job in the same way. Almost the opposite of Jerry.
Bing Bing
This is Reggie's friend slash pet monkey. Isn't too fond of Jerry for some reason. Has a nice little place set up on top of Reggie's head. Apparently Bing Bing can talk to Reggie somehow.
This woman known only by her codename interviews Jerry for his new position (at this point all we know is its something at an abandoned warehouse. But to put it mildly there's definitely something bigger going on!). She's very good at whatever it is she does. (note: as I get more into the story I'll give a better description I just don't want to give too much away just yet!)


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