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FTP was screwy yesterday for some reason but its back up now. This weel marks the end of this segment of the story. I think it makes pretty decent sense so far I guess. Anyway in the next chapter we get to see more behind the scenes of Jerry's new 'job!' Enjoy!!



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Jerry Little.

What your about to read is (almost) my original production notes for Jerry Little. The story structure is mostly the same as what you read in the comic itself however things have been added or changed or completely removed for various reasons. But in reading you can get a sense of how my characters develop and how I want them to feel about certain things better than just seeing things panel by panel. This version is not exactly the same as the one on my computer due to the fact that I explain foreshadowing and spoilers that I don't want to reveal just yet. But of course as they get revealed I'll try to update these notes as well. Just a warning spelling errors will most likely abound and somethings might be hard to read, but these are just my notes to keep my story on track. Enjoy!

This comic is centered around your average henchman. His name is Jerry Little. He has a job working as a greeter at one of those huge stores but is a real tight ass about it. You know harassing anyone bringing in outside bags and stuff. Old women, children, all feel his wrath. Until one day he attacks a blind guy thinking his cane was a weapon, yeah he gets fired for that one. A fight he lost by the way. While outside cursing the store for his fate (he’d been out there for five days with nothing better to do) a guy in a mask exits the store with tons of electronics and a bagel.

He says he’d seen Jerry’s work and was impressed and immediately offers him a job. Of course Jerry jumps on the opportunity. He’s told to report to the 5th abandoned warehouse on the right on Abandoned Warehouse Ln in the Abandoned Warehouse district of Miserable. An eccentric millionaire built these warehouses to store something he called Seclusion (everyone thought it was a bad name for cologne) but for some reason evil villains kept using them as hide outs, so now he just rents them out.

So Jerry reports to the ‘warehouse,’ to find it empty except a chair with a card stating “SIT HERE.” Which he does (make sure everyone can see the ‘trap door’). Right before he actually sits a voice (a speaker) tells him he’s late and to hurry to the back of the building. (chair was an obvious trap for the next sap)

A door opens and a guy in sock mask helmet thing says they’ve been waiting for him and leads him to another room.

Meanwhile back in main chamber ‘trap’ Jerry set off breaks off and sticks into main entrance door narrowly missing a stranger shadowed in black… last panel is white squinting eyes… (dun dun DUH!)

(Intercom announces for ‘F’ to reset trap in the waiting room) Guy (lets say D) tells him to sit at the desk and his assignment will be given to him. (Another funny intercom message as we wait.)

Okay so this incredibly hot chick comes in and tells Jerry she is Antinode (code name damnit!) and she’s his interviewer. (REMOVED TILL LATER!) Jerry so much more concerned about messing up this thing he blurts out something stupid.

So Antinode proceeds to ask Jerry a few questions about his old job… let the comedy flow! (devote about one week to this) find some basic interview questions for her to ask like she’s reading from a chart. Jerry will answer via flashback in middle (2?) panel(s). Antinode will retort sarcastically (thereby setting up her personality for everyone. (think Nicole! a friend of mine)

How well do you work under pressure? Well there was this one time… (long line at registar) Jerry says tells people that there’s no line back at the pharmacy (line gone, loud HEY!)

Why is it important to have rules? “Hmmm…”

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Well… (still at goliath mart!)

“Actually it seems you’ll be perfect for the position we need with your prior experience…” This surprises Jerry greatly obviously. “follow me”

somehow you need to incorporate him getting into his new henchman uniform. For a reason no more simple than that they ran out of sock masks Jerry’s face will always be visible.

She takes him down this really long corridor (way too long to actually still be in the warehouse) and they appear at this office building in the middle of downtown. Antinode instructs him to not let anyone in… period. “YES MA’AM!” cut to see him harassing people again. Jerry has found his niche! Yeah!

Might have an interlude here showing Jerry enjoying his new job.

Antinode slightly annoyed at having been forced out of the lobby by Jerry approaches a guy at a monitor. (laughing, at her) “SHUT UP!” She punches a table next to her that gets reduced to dust!

“Come now Antinode. Calm down our new recruit is simply doing his job.”

“imagine it a follower that will complete any task regardless of lunacy! You told him not to let anyone in right?” “yeah”

(next panel) “what are you doing?” (dramatically) “I’m ordering Chinese!”

Dr G looking at monitors eagerly (sound coming from monitor) “Lucky Noodle Chinese Delivery!”

“I’m sorry sir you’ll have to leave” “But I got a delivery” “let me see that”


Antinode, “Dr G are you sure? This guy seems unstable.”

“Nonsense! He’ll be perfect!”

“He’s pulling out that guys nose hairs with chopsticks!”

“Isn’t it beautiful?”

Some time has passed Jerry is leaving for the night. Realizes his still doesn’t have a ride… H lets him know that he’s got a company ‘car’ namely a hovercraft! (SWEET! – I think we got ourselves a catch phrase!)

The next day as introduced by the banjo guy… Mmm-uh! Ole Jerry was off to a great start, but tomorrow he’s in for a shocker I tell you what! But first he’s gonna try and run me over in that hover car… (Jerry trying to run over old man but since it’s a hover car it just keeps poping over him.) “Dangit!” Yells Jerry!

The next day Jerry is talking with H about his new assignment. It should be known that all other henchmen are ambiguous, look the same due to their masks, and are referred to by letter only. ‘H’ says he’s been doing important stuff down in the “secret lab” (pacing in circles, rather than that boring left then right stuff) (there are sign’s leading you to this “secret lab”everywhere, I mean they even say things like “THE SECRET LAB IS TWO FLOORS DOWN, LEFT AS YOU EXIT THE ELEVATOR”). Jerry says he’d like to see it some time, Antinode is behind him. “I wouldn’t worry about that Jerry, trust me” she says suspiciously.

Before he can respond… (ANTINODE REPORT TO THE LAB IMMEDIATELY!!!) she does. H says he better get going too and heads down an elevator.

Jerry in the lobby milling over what Antinode said
“I wouldn’t worry about that Jerry”
“I wouldn’t worry about that Jerry”
“I wouldn’t worry about that Jerry”
Oh yeah! I’ll show her! (yeah a little irrational but its Jerry so we’ll let it slide!)

But how do I get down there and insure no one gets in here?->Locks front door

We see H appear at elevator just in time to catch that guy in the trash can who’s been rolling down the stairs since yesterday. Crash! Imply that the agent guy took H’s uniform.

Following the obvious signs to the ‘secret lab’ he arrives to see a mysterious figure yelling: “soon the world will tremble at the power of my invention!” Antinode is there giving orders to some other henchman (she’s dressed in a really sexy outfit). “How do I get in there?” Some how he’ll need to get a mask? Maybe… (Could beat up F for that crack earlier?) (turns out he just gets his hair wet and since its long enough it sorta covers his face up enough that it passes for a mask).


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